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Welcome to the section of the site that we can't really define. It will be sort of Uncurriculum stuff but also a little off centre of The Uncurriculum. There will be side projects and personal projects put here; because while we might not have created a project under the umbrella of The Uncurriculum, chances are we've discussed it extensively with each other and asked for opinions, feedback and help. So run riot here!


Here you can find some of our lovely and gorgeous info-graphs that will be scattered sporadically across our articles. 

Obviously we are still new and young so we don't have many but watch this space! 

Radio Plays

Here at The Uncurriculum we don't stay idle for very long. Alex contacted Sarah one day and was like "Hey! Let's do a radio play!" To which Sarah said "Sure!", (because Alex has great ideas that Sarah will almost always say yes to.) So in 5 weeks we gathered a team, and along with Eoghan Rice and Grainne O'Brien we wrote 4 original radio plays, we cast, directed and edited all 4. So cosy up and get ready to be scared silly with Dark Tales for Dark Times. 

Radio Plays
Performative Pieces
Do I Measure in Distance?

Sarah Lally performing her poem "Do I Measure in Distance?" 

Thanks to Love Shannon and Madge O’Callaghan for such a lovely chat. 

Sarah also performed this piece as part of the Irish American Writers & Artists Inc. 

Performative Pieces

©2020 by The Uncurriculum.

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